BIP#30: DAO Treasury to Manage and Support BendApeStaking V2 (Pool-based Staking)

In light of recent developments and the imminent launch of BendApeStaking V2 which is a pool-based staking solution, a more clear financial structure is proposed to ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness in operation and growth strategy.

Management and Support for BendApeStaking V2 (Pool-based Staking)

V2 will maintain the management approach of V1, but with the addition of an expenditure for marketing. The auditing costs, GAS for auto-compounding, marketing expenses, and future revenues will be managed by the treasury. This streamlined approach will ensure a more unified allocation of resources and an optimized distribution of funds.

DAO Treasury


  • Security Audit
    The audit report by Verilog is in progress. Verilog has issued 4 audit reports for BendDAO.
  • Auto-compounding GAS
    The GAS for the auto-compounding is proposed to be supported by the Treasury. There will be 0 GAS for stakers for auto-compounding.
  • Marketing
    For the first 3 months of the launch, allocation of $30K as the marketing budget.
  1. Collaboration with NFT communities;
  2. Collaboration with 3rd party for updates release;
  3. Offline NFT-featured activity sponsorship.


  • 4% pairing service fee

Dev Team


  • Contract development and deployment
  • Front-end deployment
  • Back-end development
  • UI & UX
  • Maintenance and upgrades

Revenue: N.A.

By consolidating these funds under the treasury’s purview, this proposal can help to improve operational efficiency, strengthen BendDAO community, and solidify BendApeStaking V2’s position in the market.

  • For
  • Against

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